Konoha Library Wiki

The Mizukage ('Water Shadow') is the military and political leader of Kirigakure, the hidden village of the Land of Water. Though they are usually the strongest in the village, they are also chosen based on connections to previous Hokage, ideology, and their own personal achievements and renown. So far, there have been five Mizukage:

  • First Mizukage.
  • Second Mizukage. He was a member of the Hozuki Clan and was renown for his mirage genjutsu and infinite explosion technique. He died after killing Mu.
  • Third Mizukage
  • Yagura (Fourth Mizukage) - he was the jinchuuriki of Isobu, the Three-Tails; he was also comatose for most of his reign, made to be a figurehead disguising the real Fourth Mizukage: Tobi
  • Mei Terumi - the Fifth Mizukage.